Finance and Performance

Please use this page to read our Counter Fraud Statements and browse our Expenditure over £25K reports.

Please see our annual reports page for further information about our finances and expenditure.

Counter Fraud

The ICB is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, or where undertaking a public function, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

We participate in the Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative: a data matching exercise to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. We are required to provide particular sets of data to the Minister for the Cabinet Office for matching for each exercise.

Data matching involves comparing computer records held by one body against other computer records held by the same or another body to see how far they match. This is usually personal information. Computerised data matching allows potentially fraudulent claims and payments to be identified.

Where a match is found it may indicate that there is an inconsistency which requires further investigation. No assumption can be made as to whether there is fraud, error or other explanation until an investigation is carried out.

The processing of data by the Cabinet Office in a data matching exercise is carried out with statutory authority under its powers in Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. It does not require the consent of the individuals concerned under data protection legislation or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), however the Cabinet Office have set out how your data will be used and your rights.

For further information on data matching at the ICB please contact us.

Losses and Special Payments Guidance

The Losses and Special Payments guidance is prepared as procedural guidance for Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

The purpose of this document is to establish best practice that can be incorporated into the ICB’s Standing Financial Instructions.

You can find the ICB’s Standing Financial Instructions within our Governance Handbook.

Read our Losses and Special Payment Guidance as HTML (below) or download as a PDF.

Version control

Document number: 1
Issue/approval date: 30/05/2022
Version number: 1.2
Status: approved
Next review date: 30/05/2024


1. Introduction and guidance statement
2. Scope
3. Definitions
4. Integrated care board reporting requirements
5. Roles and responsibilities

1 Introduction and guidance statement

1.1.1 The Losses and Special Payments guidance is prepared as procedural guidance for Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

1.1.2 The purpose of this document is to establish best practice that can be incorporated into the ICBs Standing Financial Instructions.

1.1.3 It should be noted that the user of this procedural guidance should be compliant with the respective ICB SFIs. If there is a need to interpret or difficulty in application of this guidance, please send an email to the NHS England, head of assurance and counter fraud:

1.1.4 HM Treasury retains the authority to approve losses and special payments which are classified as being either:

  • novel or contentious;
  • contains lesson that could be of interest to the wider community;
  • involves important questions of principle;
  • might create a precedent; and/or
  • highlights the ineffectiveness of the existing control systems.

1.1.5 Therefore, HMT Treasury approval is required if a transaction exceeds the delegated authority, or if transactions will set a precedent, are novel, contentious or could cause repercussions elsewhere in the public sector.

1.1.6 Losses and special payments are therefore subject to special control procedures compared to the generality of payments, and, special notation in the accounts to bring them to the attention of parliament. The annual accounts reporting requirements are detailed herein.

1.1.7 For the avoidance of doubt, all cases relating to ICB losses and special payments must be submitted to NHS England for approval if the proposed transaction values exceed the delegated limits that are detailed below or satisfy the conditions in section 1.1.4:

Expenditure type: Delegated limit
All losses: up to £300k
Special Payments including Extra- Contractual/ Statutory/ regulatory/ compensation & Ex gratia: up to £95k
Special severance & Retention payments: £0
Consolatory payments: £500

1.1.8 Losses and/or special payments that indicate or give rise to suspicion of fraud or corruption, please follow the guidance as provided by your local counter fraud specialist.

1.1.9 In dealing with individual cases, ICBs must consider the soundness of their internal control systems, the efficiency with which they have been operated, and take any necessary steps to put failings right.

1.1.10 The outcome of the review of the case under consideration (1.1.9) must be clearly indicated when submitting cases to NHS England as part of the account’s consolidation process at yearend or as part of the approval process.

2 Scope

2.1.1 This procedural document is applicable to the following NHS bodies;

• Integrated Care Boards

3 Definitions
3.1.1 Unless a contrary intention is evident or the context requires otherwise, words or expressions contained in this document will have the same meaning as set out in HMT managing public money.

3.2 Losses

3.2.1 A loss refers to any case where full value has not been obtained for money spent or committed.

3.2.2 Examples of types of losses which cannot be treated as business as usual are cash losses, bookkeeping losses, fruitless payments and claims waived or abandoned.

3.3 Special Payment

3.3.1 Special Payments relate to the following;

  • any compensation payments;
  • extra-contractual or ex-gratia payments; and
  • any payment made without specific identifiable legal power In accordance with the National Health Service Act 2006, as amended by the Health and Care Act 2022.

3.4 Special Severance and retention payments

3.4.1 ICBs have not been delegated a limit to approve the special severance or retention payments. For detailed guidance, please refer to the special severance payments document as published on the NHSEI SharePoint finance library.

3.4.2 For clarity, any non-contractual special severance payments that are being considered for approval must be submitted to NHS England HR regional advisory teams prior to settlement.

3.4.3 The table below lists all the various expenditure classifications for losses and special payments and the applicable approvals if the final settlement sum exceeds the ICB delegated limit:

Category Classification Approval required from Further approvals Description of category
Fruitless Payment Loss Approval required from Further approvals Description of category
Bookkeeping Losses Loss Assurance team NHSE/DHSC/HMT Bookkeeping losses (un-vouched or incompletely vouched payments) including missing items or inexplicable or erroneous debit balances
Constructive loss Loss Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT A constructive loss is a similar form of payment to stores losses and fruitless
payments, but one where procurement action itself caused the loss. For example, stores or services might be correctly ordered, delivered or provided, then paid for as correct; but later, perhaps because of a change of policy, they might prove not to be needed or to be less useful than when the order was placed
Administrative costs Loss Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT An expense incurred in controlling and directing an organisation.
Claims Waived or Abandoned Loss Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT Losses may arise if claims are waived or abandoned because, though properly made, it is decided not to present or pursue them
Extra- contractual payments Special Payment Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT Payments which, though not legally due under contract, appear to place an obligation on a public sector organisation which the courts might uphold. Typically, these arise from the organisation’s action or inaction in relation to a contract. Payments may be extra-contractual even where there is some doubt about the organisation’s liability to pay, e.g. where the contract provides for arbitration, but a settlement is reached without it. A payment made as a result of an arbitration award is contractual
Extra-statutory Special Payment Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT Payments which are within the broad intention of the statute or regulation but go beyond a strict interpretation of its terms.
Extra-regulatory payments Special Payment Assurance team NHSE/DHSC/HMT Payments which are within the broad intention of the statute or regulation but go beyond a strict interpretation of its terms.
Compensation payments Special Payment Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT Payments made to provide redress for personal injuries, traffic accidents, and damage to property They include other payments to those in the public service outside
statutory schemes or outside contracts.
Special severance payments Special Payment NHSE Regional Director of Workforce and OD EHRSG DHSC GAC HMT Payments made to employees, contractors and others beyond above normal statutory or contractual requirements when leaving employment in public service whether they resign, are dismissed or reach an agreed termination of contract. Regional and further Approval is required regardless of the value of the non contractual pay package.
Ex gratia payments Special Payment Assurance team NHSE/ DHSC/ HMT Go beyond statutory cover, legal liability, or administrative rules, including payments;

  • made to meet hardship caused by official failure or delay;
  • out of court settlements to avoid legal action on grounds of official inadequacy; and,
  • payments to contractors outside a binding contract, e.g. on grounds of hardship
Retention payments Special Payment Regional Director of Workforce and OD None Payments, designed to encourage staff to delay their departures, particularly where transformations of ALBs are being negotiated, are also classified as novel and contentious. Such payments always require explicit Treasury approval, whether proposed in individual cases or in groups. Treasury approval must be obtained before any commitment, whether oral or in writing, is made.

3.5 Annual assurance statements

3.5.1 As part of the new compliance and control procedures over exit packages, ICBs must submit an annual assurance statement confirming the following:

  • details of all1 exit packages (including special severance payments) that have been agreed and/or made during the year;
  • that NHS England and HMT2 approvals have been obtained (in relation to non-contractual pay elements or amounts that exceed the ICB delegated limits) before any offers, whether verbally or in writing, are made; and
  • adherence to the special severance payments guidance as published by NHS England.

3.5.2 Further guidance will be provided to ICBs on this process.

3.6 Interpretation

3.6.1 Should any difficulties arise regarding the interpretation or application of any part of this losses and special payment guidance, the advice of the NHS England Head of assurance and counter fraud ( must be sought before acting.

3.7 Delegation of Function, Duties and Powers

3.7.1 The ICB Constitution must have a governing body that makes provision for the appointment of the Audit Committee.

3.7.2 The ICB standing financial instructions should clearly indicate the role that the audit committee has in reviewing and approving losses and special payments.

3.7.3 The ICB standing financial instructions should indicate the delegated limits that have been agreed by the governing body for operational purposes.

4 Integrated care board reporting requirements

4.1 Capturing of losses and special payments

4.1.1 The ICB chief financial officer is responsible for ensuring that processes and procedures that facilitate the capturing and reporting of losses and special payments are in place and ensure that a losses and special payments register is maintained.

4.1.2 All losses and special payments for ICBs must be recorded in the register and reviewed as part of the internal controls process.

4.2 Parliamentary accountability and audit report

4.2.1 The ICB must maintain a losses and special payments register that provides the requested information to complete the NHS England group accounts.

4.2.2 It should be noted that ICBs do not have a mandatory requirement to produce a Parliamentary accountability and audit report as other entities that report directly to Parliament. However, it is a mandatory requirement that ICBs produce an audit certificate and report.

There will be a need to collect data for the NHS England consolidated account. NHS England will also use this information to complete the DHSC summarisation schedule for the DHSC consolidated account. Therefore, regardless of applicability of this report, all ICBs must ensure the summarisation schedule is completed.

4.2.3 If there are any individual cases or a group of losses or special payments that exceed or the aggregate value of £100,000, the related payment should be noted separately on the ICB yearend template completed for the NHS England group account.

5 Roles and responsibilities

5.1 Financial Control

5.1.1 Chief Financial Officer

5.1.2 It is noted and acknowledged that the roles and responsibilities for the chief financial officer vary in all the ICBs. The chief financial officer should implement a system of internal control that details the process for reporting losses, recording losses, monitoring and reporting the losses and special payments to the ICB’s audit committee based on existing reporting cycles.

5.1.3 The reporting cycle should also clarify the delegated sum that the chief financial officer can authorise as a loss or special payment. The delegated sum should be in line with the ICB escalation process for losses and special payments.


1. The assurance statement must include all exit packages, thus, contractual and non contractual.
2. This is only applicable to elements of the exit packages that are classified as non contractual

Capital Plans

Integrated Care Boards and Local Health and Care Systems are required by the Health and Care Bill to prepare and publish an annual plan for the use of system capital resources.  The plans have been prepared in collaboration with system partners and reflect plans submitted to and agreed by NHS England.


ICBs are required to publish an annual plan for the proposed use of capital resources, in line with a timetable determined by NHS England. Plans are required to cover all NHS hosted organisations within the ICS area. For Suffolk and North East Essex this includes:

  • NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (SNEE ICB)
  • East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT)
  • West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust) (WSFT)
  • East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST)

Capital Plans support the delivery of 2023/24 operational planning and strategic objectives. Key issues addressed in the development of this plan include:

  • Development of diagnostic capacity.
  • Development of elective capacity, whilst maintaining urgent care capacity.
  • Reconfiguration of services to support the delivery of clinically safe and affordable services.
  • Maintenance of a safe estate.

The plan identified in this paper comprises two key elements:
1) System Capital: also known as ‘business as usual’ capital. The system capital resource is determined at ICS level and allocated to organisations by the ICB in collaboration with hosted partner organisations.

2) Strategic or other (national) programme capital allocations. Allocations are determined by national programme teams, normally as a result of a bidding process submitted by provider organisations with the approval of the ICB.

The plan represents an initial or provisional plan that may be amended during the course of the year by additional allocations (see notes). The plan included in this paper is aligned to the (provider) Financial Planning Returns (FPR) and (system) Integrated Planning Returns (IPR) submitted on 4th May 2023.

£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
System Capital
System Capital: Ringfenced 0 0 8,400 0 8,400 1
System Capital: Discretionary 1,997 28,709 11,691 12,822 55,219 2
Sub-total 1,997 28,709 20,091 12,822 63,619
Memo (Over)/Under commitment 0 -1,211 -886 276 -1,821 3
System Capital 1,997 27,498 19,205 13,098 61,798
Strategic/Other Programme Capital
New Hospital 0 0 1,028 0 1,028 4
Electronic Patient Records 0 11,250 0 0 11,250 5
Acute Reconfiguration/Elective Capacity 0 40,395 20,000 0 60,395 6,7
Diagnostic 0 8,600 12,794 0 21,394 8
Other 0 5,319 0 26,551 31,870 9
Sub-total 0 65,564 33,822 26,551 125,937
Gross Capital Expenditure 1,997 94,273 53,913 39,373 189,556
Disposals 0 -1,948 -36 0 -1,984
Grants 0 -1,501 0 0 -1,501
Lease/PFI/other technical adjustments 0 -1,567 0 0 -1,567
Sub-total 0 -5,016 -36 0 -5,052
CDEL 1,997 89,257 53,877 39,373 184,504
IFR 1997 89257 53877 39373 184504


(1) System Capital Ringfenced. Although classified as system capital, an element of resource in this category is ring-fenced for use to replace Reinforced Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (RAAC) planks that form the roof of a significant element of the West Suffolk Foundation Trust site at Bury St. Edmunds. The replacement of RAAC planks is an ongoing project, likely to complete in 2024 and is a short-term measure designed to sustain a safe estate until such time as the construction of a replacement hospital in Bury St. Edmunds is complete. Bury St. Edmunds has been identified as a priority new build within the ‘40 new hospitals’ UK Government commitment.

(2) System Capital Discretionary. SNEE operates a Board approved policy for the allocation of discretionary system capital. In summary (to simplify); allocation is determined in two stages.

(a) A minimum capital allocation, determined by in year depreciation charges, with a view to ensuring that organisations are able to maintain the condition of the current estate/assets.

(b) Additional capital allocations (the balance) allocated on an equitable basis between provider unit in accordance with criteria determined by the ICB in conjunction with NHSE (patient safety, clinical quality etc.) These capital allocations are designed to address system development priorities.

In 2023/24 the ICB determined that the value of additional capital allocations was of a magnitude (small) that meant that a separate bidding/prioritisation/allocation process was not required. As a result, the additional allocation was apportioned in the same ratio as the minimum capital allocation.

Provider organisations as individual statutory organisations determine how this resource is allocated to individual projects. The organisational risk register is a key tool in the determinant of project priorities, to avoid interruption of service caused by asset failure. Priorities often change during the course of the year, as unforeseen asset replacement is identified. The close alignment of system capital allocations and depreciation charge figures means that there is little or no scope for enhancing or improving assets.

(3) NHS England allowed the submission of system capital plans that could be ‘over-committed’ by up to 5%, to reflect that capital slippage is commonplace. In the event that there are no further allocations of system capital in 2023/24 and depending on the financial performance against target of other systems, there maybe a need to reduce planned system capital expenditure by £1.821m (2.9%).

(4) West Suffolk Hospital at Bury St. Edmunds is a designated priority hospital within the Governments New Hospital initiative. The Trust is in the process of developing the business case required for approval before construction can begin in earnest. The capital plan includes a small national programme allocation to support elements of the project that can be capitalised before approval of the final business case. It is possible that significant additional allocation may be made available to WSFT prior to the end of this financial year to commence enabling work, subject to Treasury approval of the final business case.

(5) East Suffolk and North Essex NHS FT are developing the full business case for the replacement of their electronic patient record system (the outline business case has been approved). Although the full case has yet to be approved, it is expected that approval will be granted, with expenditure commencing in Q4 2023/24 and continuing and completing in 2024/25.

(6) East Suffolk and North Essex NHS FT submitted plans for reconfiguration of acute services shortly after its formation from the predecessor Colchester and Ipswich hospital Trusts. The development of an elective surgical hub at Colchester was a key element of that business case. In addition to reconfiguration funding, the Trust has successfully applied for Elective Recovery/Targeted Investment Fund (TIF) resource to enable the further expansion of the hub to increase elective capacity, in doing so creating the largest elective orthopaedic centre in Western Europe. Elements of both project and resource have been deferred from 2022/23, as global supply chain interruption (notable relating to steel) delayed construction. The development, which addresses multiple system priorities (sustainability of services, development of elective capacity, protection of non-elective capacity and financial viability) is due for completion early financial year 2024/25.

(7) West Suffolk Hospital NHS FT has submitted a business case, not yet approved, for the development of an elective surgical hub at Newmarket. The modular construction of the facility means that early approval of the case would enable construction in Q4 20223/24. The project was included in system plans under the guidance of the NHS England Regional Office. The project would bring further ring-fenced elective capacity, reducing the impact of increased non-elective activity notably in the winter months.

(8) Diagnostic Centres. The capital plan for East Suffolk and North Essex FT includes projects for the incremental development of the community diagnostic hub facility at Clacton, in addition to investment in PACS digital imaging and storage capacity across the Trust. The plan also includes the development of a community diagnostic Hub at Newmarket the business case for which has been approved; it would support the development of the elective surgical hub being at the same location. The plan may be amended to include the development of a further community diagnostic facility within Ipswich. A bid for resource was submitted after 4th May 2023. As approval is still pending it has been excluded from the current version of the plan.

(9) East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Other. This category includes the routine reprovision, using lease facilities of the emergency and non-emergency ambulance service fleet.


ICBs are required to publish an annual plan for the proposed use of capital resources, in line with a timetable determined by NHS England. Plans are required to cover all NHS hosted organisations within the ICS area for the year 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023. For Suffolk and North East Essex this includes:

  • NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group (IES CCG) 1st April 2022-30th June 2022
  • NHS North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (NEE CCG) 1st April 2022-30th June 2022
  • NHS West Suffolk Clinical Commissioning Group (WS CCG) 1st April 2022-30th June 2022
  • NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (SNEE ICB), 1st July 2022- 31st March 2023. (The small capital allocation and programme for the commissioning organisations noted above is combined).
  • East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT)
  • West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust) (WSFT)
  • East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST)

Capital Plans support the delivery of 2022/23 operational planning and strategic objectives. Key issues addressed in the development of this plan include:

  • Development of diagnostic capacity.
  • Development of elective capacity, whilst maintaining urgent care capacity.
  • Reconfiguration of services to support the delivery of clinically safe and affordable services.
  • Maintenance of a safe estate.

The plan comprises two key elements:

1) System Capital. Also known as ‘business as usual’ capital. The system capital resource is determined at ICS level and allocated to organisations by the ICB in collaboration with hosted partner organisations.

2) Strategic or other (national) programme capital allocations. Allocations are determined by national programme teams, normally as a result of a bidding process submitted by provider organisations with the approval of the ICB.

The plan represents an initial or provisional plan that may be amended during the course of the year by additional allocations. The plan included in this paper is aligned to the (provider) Financial Planning Returns (FPR) and (system) Integrated Planning Returns (IPR) submitted on 20th June 2022.

£000s £000s £000s £000s £000s
System Capital
System Capital: Ringfenced 0 0 21,000 0 21,000 1
System Capital: Discretionary 1,787 23,619 9,250 10,618 45,274 2
System Capital 1,787 23,619 30,250 10,618 66,274
Strategic/Other Programme Capital
New Hospital 0 0 1,060 0 1,060 3
Acute Reconfiguration 0 48,090 0 0 48,090 4
Elective Recovery 0 17,258 0 0 17,258 5
Diagnostic 0 4,519 0 0 4,519 6
Ambulance Fleet Replacement 0 0 0 19,027 19,027 7
Other 0 11,621 1,891 0 13,512
Sub-total 0 81,488 2,951 19,027 103,466
Gross Capital Expenditure 1,787 105,107 33,201 29,645 169,740
Disposals 0 -2,048 0 0 -2,048
Grants 0 -3,369 0 0 -3,369
Lease/PFI/other technical adjustements 0 -423 0 0 -423
Sub-total 0 -5,840 0 0 -5,840
CDEL 1,787 99,267 33,201 29,645 163,900
IFR 1787 99267 33201 29645 163900


(1) System Capital Ringfenced. Although classified as system capital, an element of resource in this category is ring-fenced for use to replace Reinforced Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (RAAC) planks that form the roof of a significant element of the West Suffolk Foundation Trust site at Bury St. Edmunds. The replacement of RAAC planks is an ongoing project, likely to complete in 2024 and is a short-term measure designed to sustain a safe estate until such time as the construction of a replacement hospital in Bury St. Edmunds is complete. Bury St. Edmunds has been identified as a priority new build within the ‘40 new hospitals’ UK Government commitment. The Trust has applied for additional funding for the RAAC project to allow acceleration and earlier completion.

(2) System Capital Discretionary. SNEE operates a Board approved policy for the allocation of discretionary system capital. In summary (to simplify); allocation is determined in two stages.

(a) A minimum capital allocation, determined by in year depreciation charges, with a view to ensuring that organisations are able to maintain the condition of the current estate/asset base.

(b) Additional capital allocations (the balance) allocated on an equitable basis between provider unit in accordance with criteria determined by the ICB in conjunction with NHSE (patient safety, clinical quality etc.). These capital allocations are designed to address system development priorities.

In 2022/23 the ICB undertook a limited exercise with system partners to determine the priorities additional capital allocation budget as minimum capital allocation accounted for approximately 90% of the system capita allocation. The shortage of capital over several years resulted in the conclusion that patient safety/the need to accelerate asset replacement to prevent loss of capacity through breakdown was the primary determinant for resource allocation. Whilst individual projects were prioritised, the resultant allocation of capital remained close to the proportions of capital that would have been allocated if all system capital had been allocated on the basis of in year depreciation charge estimates.

Provider organisations as individual statutory organisations determine how this resource is allocated to individual projects. The organisational risk register is a key tool in the determinant of project priorities. Priorities often change during the course of the year, as unforeseen asset replacement is identified.

(3) West Suffolk Hospital at Bury St. Edmunds is a designated priority hospital within the Governments New Hospital initiative. The Trust is in the process of developing the business case required for approval before construction can begin in earnest. The capital plan includes a small national programme allocation to support elements of the project that can be capitalised before approval of the final business case.

(4) East Suffolk and North Essex NHS FT submitted plans for reconfiguration of acute services shortly after its formation from the predecessor Colchester and Ipswich hospital Trusts. The development of an elective surgical hub at Colchester was a key element of that business case. Significant elements of that project are scheduled to be undertaken in 2022/23.

(5) East Suffolk and North Essex NHS FT has successfully applied for Elective Recovery/Targeted Investment Fund (TIF) resource to enable the further expansion of the elective hub (4 above) to increase elective capacity, in doing so creating the largest elective orthopaedic centre in Western Europe.

(6) Diagnostic Centres. The capital plan for East Suffolk and North Essex FT includes projects for the initial stages of development of a community diagnostic hub facility at Clacton.

(7) East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust. This category includes the routine reprovision, using lease facilities of the emergency and non-emergency ambulance service fleet.

Expenditure over £25K

Suffolk and north east Essex ICB

Ipswich and East Suffolk (Archive)

You can find reports of expenditure over £25K made by NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG prior to June 2022 on the archived CCG website.

North East Essex (Archive)

You can find reports of expenditure over £25K made by NHS North East Essex CCG prior to June 2022 on the archived CCG website.

West Suffolk (Archive)

You can find reports of expenditure over £25K made by NHS West Suffolk CCG prior to June 2022 on the archived CCG website.

Page last modified: 18 July 2024
Next review due: 18 January 2025