Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB)
We plan and buy healthcare services for over 1 million people, working closely with partners to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.
Read our latest annual report for details on our strategies, objectives and performance over the last financial year.
Find out more about emergency preparedness, resilience and response within the ICB.
We’re committed to promoting equality in our workforce, ensuring that everyone is provided with what they need to feel safe and succeed. Learn how we break down barriers to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to work for us and make their voice heard.
Read our Counter Fraud Statements and browse our Expenditure over £25K reports.
Read the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex ICB’s statement on modern slavery and human trafficking statement.
The role of the Board is to ensure the ICB runs efficiently, economically and with good governance. Meet the people who sit on our Board.
The policies that the ICB had adopted to guide its practice.
Learn about the procedures we follow when selecting organisations to deliver specific health and care services.
Read about the ICB’s role in safeguarding children and adults in Suffolk and north east Essex and learn how to report a concern.
Discover how we are supporting the health and care system in Suffolk and north east Essex to reduce waste, save money and work in a more environmentally-friendly way.
Are you looking for your first job in healthcare or planning your next move within the NHS? Work for the ICB, browse vacancies in primary care and explore a range of careers in health and social care.
Find a local healthcare service and discover where best to seek help.
Find a local healthcare service and get the treatment you need, faster by selecting the service that best suits your needs.
Information about about NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care.
Not all procedures, medicines and medical devices are routinely offered to NHS patients. However, there may be situations where a clinician believes that their patient’s circumstances are exceptional. Get information on the types of circumstances in which funding might be granted beyond the norm. Including resources for health and care professionals.
The ICB is responsible for planning and buying the majority of healthcare services in Suffolk and north east Essex. Use these pages to learn more about primary care (including GPs), secondary care (including hospitals) and community-based services you can refer yourself to.
Discover how your patient records are managed to ensure you receive safe care. Plus, read about the type of information the Integrated Care Board holds.
Advice and support to help you keep on top of your mental and physical health.
If your GP needs to refer you to a different service for a physical or mental health condition, the NHS Constitution says you can choose which hospital or service you go to.
Learn what conditions pharmacy teams can help you with, learn how to order repeat prescriptions and locate your nearest pharmacy.
Learn about the reasonable adjustments you or someone you care for may be entitled to.
Factors we would urge you to consider when exploring private treatment.
If you require communication support please let the provider of the service know when you arrange your appointment. Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service are here to help if you need assistance.
Help us to improve health and care services by getting involved with the work of the ICB.
Join our online community to make your voice heard and respond to plans regarding service change via our formal consultations.
Many of our partner organisations also welcome participation from the public. Learn how to add your voice and influence decision-making.
Ask a question, provide feedback or lodge a complaint via our Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
Learn how conversations with our communities influence the decisions we make about health and care services in Suffolk and north east Essex.
Home Health and Care Professionals Area Support for primary care Clinical workstreams, guidance, pathways and referrals
Details on the treatments that require special permission to be offered to a patient by the NHS.
Information for primary care professionals on gender identity, including support services in Suffolk and north east Essex.
Resources to help you navigate Mental Capacity Act and Liberty Protection Safeguards.
Find information about funding requests and referral pathways.
Factors we would urge patients to consider when exploring private treatment.
The steps your setting must take to ensure reasonable adjustments are made to support people with disabilities.
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