NHS launches winter campaign aimed at helping people choose the right service

A new campaign has been launched by NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) aimed at helping people choose the right service for their health and wellbeing needs during the winter months.

NHS services are always under considerable pressure during December, January and February as demand for services increases due to the cold weather, winter respiratory illnesses and flu.

In response, NHS Suffolk and North East Essex ICB has produced a Staying Well this Winter guide which lists the main services most people are likely to need during traditionally busy months for the NHS.

The guide – along with other useful and practical winter wellbeing tips – are available on https://sneewellbeing.org.uk/winter/

In addition to the guide, the local NHS is targeting local geographical areas across Suffolk and north east Essex where demand is highest with social media messaging and media adverts.

A series of informative graphics has also been created which highlight how people can best choose the right course of action if they feel unwell, such as asking for advice from the pharmacy or using NHS 111 online, and by being prepared by keeping the medicine cabinet essentials at home.

Closer to Christmas a series of short videos will be posted on the ICB’s Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Called the Christmas Wishes campaign, each video is fronted by one of the many partner health and care organisations across Suffolk and north east Essex.

Each will offer a brief and succinct take on how people can best look after their own physical and mental health needs and that of their family, friends and neighbours.

And the NHS will also be publishing short podcasts with a local pharmacist, mental health professional and a GP who will talk about the help they’re able to provide.

Dr Andrew Kelso, NHS Suffolk and North East Essex ICB’s medical director, said: “It’s so important that we do all we can to inform and inspire people to look after their health, as our local NHS remains under great strain.

“Looking after our own health can include simple actions like keeping sticking plasters and paracetamol at home to easily deal with minor illness or injury or going online to access trusted advice from the NHS UK website.

“The guide, new graphics and local approach we are taking to promote our system’s services will help local people to get the right help for their needs this winter.

“I really encourage local people to take heed of how they can help NHS staff and services at this challenging time.”