NHS thanks local people for sharing feedback as engagement into orthopaedic proposal closes

Posted on in Ipswich and East Suffolk News

An engagement programme to gather people’s views on a proposal to move around 55% of elective orthopaedic surgery from West Suffolk Hospital to the new Essex and Suffolk Elective Orthopaedic Centre in Colchester has now closed.

Since mid-May, the NHS has been working with Healthwatch Suffolk to gather views on how implementing the proposal could affect people across west Suffolk.

During that time, over 2000 pieces of feedback have been received, achieved through a series of public exhibitions in towns across west Suffolk, virtual events, outreach stand in areas of high footfall and online and paper copy feedback forms.

Simon Morgan, the ICB’s Associate Director of Communications, said: “We are very grateful to everyone who has taken the time to give us their views.

“The ICB will now consider the feedback received.”

Nicola Cottington, chief operating officer at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust commented:

“The high level of response from the public about these proposals to move some of our planned orthopaedic operations from West Suffolk Hospital to a new, dedicated centre in Colchester shows how much people care about changes to their NHS services.

“Colleagues at Healthwatch Suffolk, the ICB and the Trust are now working hard to go through the data gathered and the main themes raised will be shared with the public in due course.

“A huge thank you to every person who gave time to provide their opinions.”

Healthwatch Suffolk will produce an independent report which will outline key themes from the engagement.

This report will be discussed at the public board meeting of the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board on 30 July where a final decision will be made.

It will also be available on the ICB’s website one week before this meeting, along with the other board papers.