Vaccinations will still be on offer even after national booking system ceases

COVID and flu vaccinations will still be available locally to everyone eligible even after the national booking website, the NHS App and 119 telephone service stop taking bookings for these on Thursday December 14.

Across Suffolk and north east Essex COVID vaccinations will still be available at pop-up COVID clinics and some local pharmacies listed at  and booked appointments for children aged 5 – 17 years with additional needs can be made at

People can also contact their GP practice to arrange a flu or COVID vaccination, subject to availability.

264,261 COVID and 328,036 flu vaccines have been administered locally since September 2023 at locations including GP practices, hospitals, community centres and pharmacies – and the health system is proudly one of the best performing areas in the country for the reaching the greatest number of eligible people to best protect their health.

Elizabeth Moloney, who has been leading on the vaccination programme for the NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board, said: “The last few months have been an incredibly busy time as so many people have come forward, recognising the efficacy of vaccination in protecting their own health and the health of their loved ones.

“Although from mid-December it will no longer be possible to make a booked COVID or flu appointment via the NHS App or national website or 119, the offer of both vaccinations to everyone eligible remains in place in our area.

“COVID and flu are still with us. If you have not already had your vaccinations and prefer a booked appointment you need to take action before the December 14th deadline. Or visit our local dedicated website for the locations and times of pop-up clinics which are taking place now and in the future.

“COVID and flu are potential killers and the onset of the cold winter weather means cases are set to increase.”