Social prescribing and community outreach services

On this page you’ll find information about social prescribing and community outreach services in Suffolk and north east Essex.

The NHS Constitution gives most people living in England the right to choose where to receive treatment.

Services in Suffolk

Unsure about where the boundaries we refer to lie? Enter your postcode to check whether you live in Ipswich and east Suffolk, north east Essex or west Suffolk.

About this service

The Health Outreach team provides help and support to people who would not normally access healthcare; such as the homeless, Gypsies, Travellers, Roma, refugee and asylum seekers, migrant workers, ex-offenders and Black and Minority Ethnic groups.

The team works closely with local GPs, voluntary sector, social services and many more to provide access to healthcare and treatment to people who find it difficult to access mainstream services. The team will signpost people to appropriate services that suit their needs. The team is made up of nurses, mental health nurses, social workers, support and advice staff, counsellors and trainers.

Organisation that provides this service

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT)

How to access this service

Individuals and health and care professionals can make a referral via the contact details listed on the EPUT website.

About the Service

Social prescribing connects people to voluntary sector activities, support groups and community resources to promote health, well-being and independence.

A social prescriber will help people to take control of their own health and wellbeing, supporting people to connect with sources of support in their communities if they are feeling, lonely, anxious, isolated, struggling to manage a long term condition or need lifestyle advice and practical support.

The social prescriber will give people time, focus on what matters to them and take a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing.

It is a free service for anyone aged 18 years and over, living within West Suffolk.

There are a range of benefits which include:
• improved mental health and wellbeing
• meeting new people and developing new friendships
• feeling healthier and fitter
• learning new skills
• opportunities for volunteering and developing employability skills
• feeling more confident.

How to access the Service

You can self refer into the service by completing the self referral form and emailing it to

You can also be referred into the service using the form for clinicians and other healthcare organisations.

For any queries regarding the service, you can contact the team on: 07971 594709

About this service

‘Connect for Health’, enables link workers- known locally as Community Connectors – to give people time and focus on what genuinely matters to the person, as identified through shared decision making and personalised care and support plans, to assist in finding non-medical solutions to improve their own health and wellbeing. The service can connect individuals to social activities, clubs, groups, and like-minded individuals in their community.

Connect for Health particularly works for a wide range of people, including those who:
• Have one or more long-term conditions,
• Need support with their mental health
• Are socially isolated or lonely
• Have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing
• Are having welfare, benefits, financial and housing issues
• Need advice to make healthier live choices

Organisations that provide this service and how to access them

Citizen’s Advice for Ipswich

You can request for your GP to refer you into the service.

Shaw Trust in East, Mid and South Suffolk

You can find out more on how to self refer into the service by emailing or calling them on 01394 332265.

Questions or feedback?

Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALs) is here to help. Ask a question, provide feedback or lodge a complaint.

Page last modified: 22 July 2024
Next review due: 22 January 2025